Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Development Plan

What is the Perranuthnoe Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan?

Neighbourhood planning gives communities the opportunity to play a direct role in shaping the future of the area in which they live. It helps to ensure that planning works positively to achieve patterns and types of development that are sustainable and support long-term community well-being.

The Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Plan provides a Local Planning Framework to help achieve development that is fi ne-tuned to meet the needs and priorities of this Parish and the people that live here.

The Plan has been developed through a process of extensive consultation and research, which has enabled the Parish to gain an understanding of what local people value, their development needs, how places function, areas of special value, and to identify development opportunities, pressure points and risks.

Based on this information, the Neighbourhood Plan establishes a Vision, Objectives And Policies which aim to provide clear local guidance to help ensure that development is focused in the most appropriate areas and that it works positively to meet local housing needs and to respect and conserve areas and characteristics of signifi cant social, cultural, historic, economic and environmental value.

The Neighbourhood Plan took 8 years of research, consultation and drafting, a process that was led by the Parish Council. At the end of 2022 it underwent independent examination by a planning expert. The fi nal Plan was approved by Cornwall Council in early 2023 and was then put out to local referendum on 10th August 2023, to enable the residents of Perranuthnoe Parish to decide whether it should be formally adopted as the planning framework for this Parish. 87.45% cast their vote in favour of the Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Plan. The answer was a clear YES!

The Neighbourhood Plan was therefore adopted by Cornwall Council as the formal planning document for the Parish on 22nd August 2023. It has the same legal status as the Cornwall Local Plan and must be used for all development planning decisions in the Parish of Perranuthnoe until 2030.

Links to Neighbourhood Plan Documents

Here are all of the documents that are key to the Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Plan including the full plan itself. If you just want a brief overview of the plan and policies there is a Summary Document. You can click on the image to view and then download if needed.

Neighbourhood Plan Summary

A concise summary of the Neighbourhood Plan & Policies

Neighbourhood Plan Policies

The Vision, Objectives & Policies of the Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The full version of the Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Plan

Decision Sheet

The signed decision sheet for the Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Referendum Result

The result of the poll for the Perranuthnoe neighbourhood area

Landscape Character

Perranuthnoe Parish Local Landscape Character Assessment

LLCA Map Perranuthnoe

The Local Landscape Character Assessment Appendix Maps

Heritage Assessment

Perranuthnoe Parish Heritage Assessment and Area Appraisals

LGS Assessment

Perranuthnoe Parish Local Green Space Assessment

Consultation Statement

Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement

Basic Conditions Statement

Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood plan Basic Condition Statement

Steering Group TOR

Perranuthnoe Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference

For further information on the Perranuthnoe Parish Neighbourhood Development plan
contact the Parish Clerk via email [email protected] or call 07990 528757