Chairman’s Annual Report for 2022/2023 delivered by Cllr. S. Nicholas

As the year unfolded external Parish business which had to continue did so in a changed landscape.

Cornwall Council reduced the number of officers in various depts, many working from home and only contactable through computer and voice recognition technology. Planning notices are now being left to agents/ applicants to post at the appropriate sites. This is clearly not a satisfactory position as not all are being posted correctly, officers have and will be notified where this process has not been followed.

Meetings are now mostly Teams meetings on line with an occasional face to face meeting.

Following the resignation of the elected Cornwall Councillor Sherfield Wong, it is with great pleasure that we welcomed Cllr. John Martin as the newly elected Cornwall Councillor following the by election for this division. I know that John will work tirelessly for his division having known him for some years when we were fellow Cornwall Councillors.

The Penwith Community Network Forum has now finished. It will be replaced by the Community Area Partnership. It is a new concept created by CC with outcomes determined at a number of workshops/ meetings over some months. Funding will be allocated to the networks for them to use for agreed projects. Until the inaugural meeting it is difficult to project how it will work.

The long process for the Highway’s design for Goldsithney has now been agreed following the public consultation on them. It is a number of years since the funding was secured so it will be good to see it come to fruition.

Another long standing project which is reaching its final stages is the walkway between Goldsithney and Marazion. It’s taken many years to get to this stage. We are hopeful that it will be finalised this year as the funding is secured for this project.

Perranuthnoe Highways project is being objectively reviewed as officers did not feel that the proposed one would work effectively.

20 mph areas are also being looked at. The results of a review along the A394 is also about to be disclosed and this will be shared once we have them.

At long last the Neighbourhood Plan is finished. The documents have been reviewed by the external Examiner and following some suggested amendments these have now been submitted to CC. An open session was held on Sat 27th which was well attended. Cllrs and members of the NP steering group were in attendance to answer any questions. The examiner has agreed settlement boundaries and emphasised the protection afforded to the AONB and WHS. We are informed that these now have considerable weight on planning applications.

The Parish Council have been exceptionally busy this year. There have been a number of projects such as funding towards the new windows in the hall and the marking of the car park.

We are still waiting to take possession of the toilets and car park in Perranuthnoe following a video survey of the pipes (which we asked for) prior to us taking them over we are waiting for Cornwall Council to provide the PC with a video survey of the pipes following the repair carried out by Cormac. This is taking an inordinate amount of time to be given to us.

The provision of a bus shelter in Perranuthnoe remains a project for the PC but there are some issues that need to be dealt with before it can be be brought to fruition.

The Parish Council provided funding for residents to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee in June 2020. Sadly the Queens funeral was held in September 2022. Signed condolences were given by Cllr John Jago.

Prince Charles ascended to the throne as King Charles III immediately after her death. The Parish again funded the celebrations for King Charles III Coronation in both Wards a few weeks ago.

The Parish Councillors continue to work tirelessly and for the benefit of all Parishioners. It is a responsible position and requires a great deal of commitment.

Cllrs are required to work to a code of conduct, to the standing orders and policies of the Council. They are required to attend meetings and to communicate with and respond to the Parish Clerk as the responsible officer. A face to face Code of conduct training session will be held for all Cllrs in the near future.

Gail our Parish clerk has gIven significant time and research in order to respond to an FOI and CIO complaint. This has impacted on the business of the Parish Council and we now need to get on with sorting out the website and notice boards and other business.

I would like to thank fellow councillors for their support and commitment over the past year and wish my successor every good wish.

There is one last big thank you to a lady in our community who is a wonderful example to all. I am not mentioning a name as I have no permission to do so but the work to upgrade a bus shelter in the Parish Goldsithney Ward is exceptional. A credit to her, so well done and a big thank you.

This concludes the annual report for Perranuthnoe Parish Council. – Sue Nicholas.

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